できたらと思っています。 現在は雑誌、ウェブ、広告、ファッション、美容、スキンケアなどの分野で
お仕事をしています。 アナログ、デジタルの両方から繊細なテイストでご希望の
Hello, I am momoko, a freelance illustrator based in Sweden.
My inspiration comes from flowers, movies, and beautiful attractive people.
Through my portraits, I wish to capture the mystery and depth found in the female expression.
I enjoy working in fields such as magazine art, web, fashion and advertising.
I use simple line drawings, and watercolor, digital.
The expression method changes depending on the theme and interest of the time.
Please contact me if you have a question something and you would like to work with me.
Thank you for coming by.
My inspiration comes from flowers, movies, and beautiful attractive people.
Through my portraits, I wish to capture the mystery and depth found in the female expression.
I enjoy working in fields such as magazine art, web, fashion and advertising.
I use simple line drawings, and watercolor, digital.
The expression method changes depending on the theme and interest of the time.
Please contact me if you have a question something and you would like to work with me.
Thank you for coming by.